
In this guide, we will set up a reconnecting WebSocket with heartbeats (ping/pong). We will also explore its configurations

React Quickstart - if you want to use socket in a react app. you can take a look at the React Quickstart

Pre requisite

you should have a local or remote websocket server that you can connect to.


npm install @resocket/socket 


Socket is mostly compatible with the standard WebSocket API. so you can just use it how you'd use a normal websocket

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
// WebSocket server endpoint
const ServerUrl = "ws://localhost:8000";
 * create a new Reconnecting Websocket
 * it will automatically reconnect if the connection drops
const socket = new Socket(ServerUrl);
// Listen for messages from the WebSocket server
socket.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
  console.log(e.data); // Logs the WebSocket message
 * subscribe to the connection status changes
 * this is useful if you want to add connection status indicators
socket.addEventListener("status", (status) => {
  console.log(status); // Possible values: 'connecting', 'reconnecting', 'connected', 'closed', 'disconnected'

HeartBeat (Ping/PONG)

You can easily add heartbeats to your connection with a simple configuration. The example below configures a heartbeat every 30 seconds, ensuring the connection remains active and responsive.

import { Socket, type SocketConfig } from "@resocket/socket";
// WebSocket server endpoint
const ServerUrl = "ws://localhost:8000";
// WebSocket protocols (optional, use an empty array if not needed)
const SocketProtocols: string[] = [];
// Socket configuration
const config: SocketConfig = {
   * add heartbeats to your connection
   * this will send a heartbeat (ping/pong) every 30 seconds
  heartbeat: 30000, // 30 seconds
const socket = new Socket(ServerUrl, SocketProtocols, config);


Here's one of a few ways you can add authentication to your Websocket connection using the params option.

params takes a function that should return an object or a Promise that resolves to an object. this object then is added to the query param of the websocket connection url. you can use params as follows.

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
   * Whatever you return from this function will be added as an queryParam to the connection url
   * in our case we return the token,
   * ws://localhost:9000/?token=${TOKEN_VALUE_THAT_WAS_RETURNED_FROM_THIS_FUNCTION}
  params: async () => {
    const token = await MyAuthProvider.getToken();
    return {

Connection Timeouts

you can also add custom connection timeouts for both your param function and for the connection itself. here's the following config

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
   * if your params function takes longer than
   * the paramsTimeout, then it'll automatically fail
   * and move to retry
  paramsTimeout: 10000, //10 seconds - default is 10 seconds
   * if your websocket connection takes longer than
   * the connectionTimeout, then it'll automatically fail
   * and move to retry
   * note: connectionTimeout is started after the params function resolves and socket is starting it's connection
  connectionTimeout: 10000, //10 seconds - default is 10seconds

Closing Websocket Connection

There are many ways to close the websocket connection both from the server and the client. in this section we will look the configurations and options related to closing the websocket connection.

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
   * Your socket will not reconnect. if the server closes the websocket connection
   * with any of the closeCodes that you provide to the config.
   * server side - you can call something like socket.close(4000)  <- this is example server code
  closeCodes: [4000], //example value:  [4001, 4002] - defaults to []
   *  Your socket will move to a failed state (disconnected state)
   *  after 10 consecutive failed attempts to connect
  maxRetries: 10, //default is infinity
 * Calling socket.close()  will also stop your websocket connection
 * the connnection will not try to reconnect if you call close.
 * after calling .close() the connection will only reconnect when you explicitly call socket.reconnect();


Sometimes you may also want to stop the retry from the param function. for example if the user doesn't have the correct permissions or some other business logic you can do this by throwing a StopRetry error.

import { Socket, StopRetry } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
  params: async () => {
    const hasPermissions = await MyAuthProvider.hasPermissions();
     * We're throwing a StopRetry error here
     * this will automatically tell Socket to not reconnect
     * and we will move on to failed/disconnected state
    if (!hasPermissions) throw new StopRetry("You're not authorized");
    //retrurn whatever auth data or any other data you want here
    return {};
 * You can catch the stop retry error on disconnect here
 * it'll be either CloseEvent, ErrorEvent, StopRetry or undefined
socket.addEventListener("disconnect", (e) => {
  if (e instanceof StopRetry) toast(e.message);

Customize Reconnection Delays

there are many ways to customize your websocket reconnection and retries. in this section we will look at the configuration related to reconnection and retries.

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
   * you can set the reconnection delay grow factor config option
   * this let's you control how fast the reconnection delays grow
   * delay = minReconnectionDelay * Math.pow(reconnectionDelayGrowFactor, retryCount)
  reconnectionDelayGrowFactor: 1.3, //default value - 1.3
   * your socket will have atleast the minReconnectionDelay
   * before trying to reconnect
  minReconnectionDelay: 2000, // Default - (1000 + Math.random() * 4000)
   * your socket will at max wait for maxReconectionDelay
   * befoer trying to reconnect
  maxReconnectionDelay: 4000, // Default - 10000 (10 seconds)


sometimes you may want to add custom delays based on your application logic. you can do this with getDelay option.


using getDelay will override the following config methods. minReconnectionDelay, maxReconectionDelay, reconnectionDelayGrowFactor

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
  getDelay: () => {
    //you can return your custom delay here
    return Math.random() * Math.random();

Customize Heartbeat

in this section we will take a look at all the config options related to heartbeats.

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
   *  sends a heartbeat on focus events.
   *  will ignore focus events if set to true
   *  note: only applicable if heartbeatInterval is set
  ignoreFocusEvents: true, //default false
   *  sends a heartbeat on network offline events.
   *  will ignore network events if set to true
   *  note: only applicable if heartbeatInterval is set
  ignoreFocusEvents: true, //default false
   *  maximum number of consecutive missed ping messages
   *  before the connection is moved to reconnect
   *  note: only applicable if heartbeatInterval is set
  maxMissedPings: 2, //default 1
   * the amount of time to wait for server to respond to the ping message
   *  note: only applicable if heartbeatInterval is set
  pingTimeout: 2000, //default 3000 (3 seconds)
   * the ping message to send to the server
   *  note: only applicable if heartbeatInterval is set
  pingMessage: "PING", //default "ping"
   * the pong message to recieve from the server
   *  note: only applicable if heartbeatInterval is set
  pingMessage: "PING", //default "pong"


Socket has default support for buffering. and exposes options to make it easier to add custom buffering for your application.

config 1

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
   * this buffers the message if the connection is dropped
   * and sends all the messages upon reconnection
  buffering: true,


import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
   * this buffers the message if the connection is dropped
   * and sends all the messages upon reconnection
   * this will drop the message from buffering if the messages increase the
   * maxEnqueuedMessages threshold
  buffering: { maxEnqueuedMessages: 100 },

custom buffering

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
let buffer = [];
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/");
 * send buffered message on connect
socket.addEventListener("open", () => {
  buffer.map((message) => {
  buffer = [];
 * buffer the message if socket is not ready
if (socket.canSend()) {
} else {

LostConnection Toast

this option allows you to handle situations where the connection is lost and does not reconnect within a specified time frame.

You can use this hook to notify users of connection issues, such as through toast notifications. This hook is triggered with the following events:

  • "lost": When the connection is lost and reconnection attempts are ongoing.
  • "restored": When the connection is successfully reestablished.
  • "failed": When the connection cannot be restored (rare).

You can configure the timeout for the lostConnectionTimeout option (default is 5 seconds):

import { Socket } from "@resocket/socket";
import { toast } from "some-toast-library"; //add your toast library here
const socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:9000/", [], {
   * sets the lost connection timeout
  lostConnectionTimeout: 10000, //defaul to 5 seconds
socket.addEventListener("lostConnection", (event) => {
  switch (event) {
    case "lost":
      toast.warn("Still trying to reconnect...");
    case "restored":
      toast.success("Successfully reconnected again!");
    case "failed":
      toast.error("Could not restore the connection");



type SocketOptions = {
  polyfills?: { WebSocket: any }; // Add a custom polyfill for Websockt
  //retries related,
  maxReconnectionDelay?: number; //maximum reconnection delay
  minReconnectionDelay?: number; //minimum reconnection delay
  reconnectionDelayGrowFactor?: number; //how fast the reconnection delay grows
  //a custom delay that will override the above config if provide this argument, useful for more customized delays
  getDelay?: (retryCount: number) => number;
  maxRetries?: number; //maximum number of consecutive failed attempts before moving to disconnected state
  //connection related
  connectionTimeout?: number; // retry if not connected after this time, in ms
  paramsTimeout?: number; // retry if params function is not resolved within this time, in ms
  //application related
  startClosed?: boolean; // start the socket in 'closed' state. and call .reconnect() to connect
  lostConnectionTimeout?: number; // timeout for lostconnection event
  closeCodes?: number | number[]; //close the connection if server closed with these closeCodes
  buffer?: boolean | { maxEnqueuedMessages: number }; //buffering related. see the buffering section for more details
  // heartbeat related
  heartbeatInterval?: number; //the interval at which we send the heartbeat
  maxMissedPingss?: number; //max number of missed consecutive ping messages before moving to reconnect
  ignoreFocusEvents?: boolean; //will not send heartbeats on focus event. if set to true
  ignoreNetworkEvents?: boolean; //will not send heartbeats on network offline event. if set to true
  pingTimeout?: number; //timeout to wait for the pong message after sending the ping
  pingMessage?: string; //the ping message to send to the server
  pongMessage?: string; //the pong message to recieve from the server
  debug?: boolean; //set to true. to see the internal logs for debugging
  debugLogger?: (...args: any[]) => void; //provide a custom logger
  //custom function for dynamic url
  url?: (info: {
    retryInfo: RetryInfo;
    url: string | URL;
    params: any;
  }) => string;
  //function for adding auth or other data
  params?: (info: RetryInfo) => Promise<object>;
  //do not use this~
  //todo maybe mark this as experimental? - or hide behind advanced config :/
  unstable_connectionResolver?: (
    con: WebSocket,
    resolver: () => void,
    rejecter: (err?: any) => void
  ) => Promise<void> | void;


constructor(url: string, protocols: string[] | undefined, options: SocketOptions)
getStatus(): Status
send(data: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob | ArrayBufferView)
addEventListener(type:  'open' | 'close' | 'status' | 'message' | 'error' | 'disconnect',  listener: Listener)
removeEventListener(type:  'open' | 'close' | 'status' | 'message' | 'error' | 'disconnect',  listener: Listener)


binaryType: BinaryType;
bufferdAmount: number;
extensions: string;
onclose: EventListener;
onerror: EventListener;
onmessage: EventListener;
onopen: EventListener;
protocol: string;
readyState: number;
url: string;
retryCount: number;
lastMessageSent: number;